Monday, January 25, 2010

Resting in Quito

Today we are resting comfortably in Quito with scattered clouds slowly building in the horizon. Of course the temperature is perfect as usual and a lot of hustle and bustle throughout the city streets. I'm expecting some light showers similar to yesterday afternoon's cleansing of the diesel fume that saturated the Quito air. After breakfast we casually walked the streets aimlessly with no real goal, but ended up impulse shopping on a few items. The rope we were originally using is about twice as long and twice as hefty as needed so we decided to purchase a smaller diameter and a much shorter rope for our upcoming climb on Cotopaxi. Besides, the bright fluorescent green looks cool. Looking cool seems to be about 9/10's of climbing. The remaining 10th is feeling miserable at altitude asking yourself again and again, "Why did I choose this as a sport?" There is a local laundry shop about 100 meters from where we are staying so we decided to have a few of our clothing items cleaned from our first adventure, climbing Cayambe. The rest of the day we will be unpacking and repacking getting ready for our 2 1/2 hour drive to Cotopaxi. I'm wondering if 2 1/2 hours translates into 4-5 hours?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Wesley, It was fun to see and talk with you on Skype! Enjoy your dinner. Have a safe drive to Cotopaxi and we will be thinking about you. Love, Mama and Dad
